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Embracing Change

Teri Karjala • Apr 14, 2014

“Change is like shedding one’s skin – it allows a more beautiful you to emerge”

As the leaves begin to fall, transformed from green to vibrant yellows, reds, and oranges, we are faced with the inevitability of change.  Change is the one constant in life, as expected as the leaves falling at the start of a new season.  If change is inevitable then why are we constantly avoiding it, at times unwilling to accept it, and often view it as negative?  Just like the emerging colors that define Autumn dance around us with breath taking beauty, change is a positive force in our lives that will allow a new beauty to emerge.

We are constantly evolving, without change there would be no action or result.  We would stand stagnant with no experience, growth, or knowledge.  We would ultimately stop living.  Growth is a unique quality of living beings, we must embrace our distinctiveness and continue living through it.  Change does not have to be facing adversity, it can be used as a positive and often times will lead to success.  In order to embrace change and filter it into success, we must first better understand the limitations that we face when confronted with fear.

Virgina Stair’s Change Process Model is a clear example of the stages that we grow through when change enters our lives.  Looking at this model and understanding the 5 stages, explains when and why we fear change and can help us learn techniques to embrace change.  Ultimately, the defeat of fear will lead to acceptance of change and eventually the desire for it.

Change Process Model
Stage 1 – Status Quo:  This is our normal or accepted status where we are genearlly comfortable with the way things are.
Stage 2 – Foreign Element:  A point in time where a trigger or change agent is introduced.
Stage 3 – Resistance and Chaos:  This is where fear comes into play.  We become scared of the uncertainties and how they will impact our lves.
Stage 4 – Integration and Practice:  After the change agent is used in practical application we begin to establish a familiarity.
Stage 5 – New Status Quo:  The foreign element has now become part of our new reality.

Embrace change by identifying your foreign element, understanding what uncertainties you are afraid of and why.  Reflect on a foreign element in your past that had caused you fear and focus on the positive outcome of that trigger.  Acknowledge the possible positive outcomes of the new foreign element and work practically towards achieving them.

To actively seek change you must first identify your motivators or problem that you would like to change.  Next you should define and measure the triggers or change elements that will allow for successful change.  Actively integrate the elements into your life and begin to record and measure the results.  Reinforce the positive change and continue working towards your goals.

Please share with us on our Fanpage and/or Twitter a change that you have recently made that was successful!  We would love to hear it!

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Teri Karjala is a Licensed Professional Counselor & Marriage and Family Therapist. She is the founder and Executive Director of Creative Counseling Center, LLC. Working in the field since 1999, Teri and her team of therapists specializes in counseling for those who have experienced trauma. They work with children as young as age 2, as well as teens and adolescents, adults, seniors, families, and couples.

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